Today and tomorrow, December 2 and 3, 2022, the team of the University of Tourism and Management is participating in the Seventh International Conference "Telecommunications, Informatics, Energy and Management - TIEM 2022", organized by the University of Telecommunications and Posts from Sofia, which is held in Sofia, Bulgaria.
Rector Milenkovski was entrusted to address the audience as one of the main speakers at the opening of the Conference, together with the rector of the University of Telecommunications and Posts from Sofia, the manager of "CISCO Systems" for Eastern Europe and the founder and director of " The Institute for Cyber Policy for the Energy Sector under Cyber Attacks". I
n his address, Milenkovski referred to the need for a new paradigm in education at the time of global technological transition, noting that instead of being afraid of human robotization, we should try to humanize technology to serve humanity. He also expressed his opinion that any educational reform must be adapted to the socio-cultural specifics of a society, stressing that there is no universal educational reform that suits everyone. For rector Milenkovski, the last global health, political and economic crisis clearly outlines the path of education in the future - the public is increasingly clearly and loudly demanding scientific answers to global challenges rather than empty rhetoric.
The scientific presentations of the Conference participants cover three main topics, namely: the first - management, economy, leadership and entrepreneurship, the second - telecommunications and information technology and the third - IT-security - threats, monitoring and dealing with threats. Within the first topic, the work of Assoc. PhD. Angela Milenkovska Klimovska from the University of Tourism and Management in co-authorship with her Croatian colleagues, prof. Dr. Slobodan Ivanovic from the University of Rijeka and Prof. Dr. Zagorka Ivankovic from the School of Hospitality and Tourism in Opatija, with the title "Aspects of the seasonal character of the hotel business"