As a member of the World Tourism Organization under the United Nations, the University of Tourism and Management marked the World Tourism Day today with an appropriate event at the Marriott Hotel in...
As a member of the World Tourism Organization under the United Nations, the University of Tourism and Management marked the World Tourism Day today with an appropriate event at the Marriott Hotel in...
Dear students,
It is a special honor and pleasure for us to invite you to attend the first, formal, academic class for students enrolled in the first year of the first cycle of studies in the...
Representatives of the Embassy of the Republic of China in Skopje, led by His Excellency Ambassador Zhang Suo, on September 21, 2022, visited the University of Tourism and Management from...
At the sports event for the youngest organized as part of the Gjorce Petrov Municipality Days, the University of Tourism and Management in cooperation with the municipality presented backpacks for...
Вчера, на затворањето на Меморијалниот турнир во мал фудбал Љубанци, Универзитетот за туризам и менаџмент во Скопје им додели награди на најдобриот голман и на најдобриот играч на турнирот –...
Yesterday, at the closing of the Ljubanci Memorial Small Football Tournament, the University of Tourism and Management in Skopje awarded prizes to the best goalkeeper and the best player of the...
Blvd. Partizanski odredi, No. 99, Skopje, North Macedonia