The education is the foundation of each of us, where every life span begins and where all life values are measured, the road map for quality education is formed by all of us. This is the message that was sent by the academic staff of the University of Skopje at the regional conference "Profemina" organized by the magazine "Beauty and Health" under the motto "New Female Energy".
Prof. PhD. Violeta Milenkovska said that knowledge is the most powerful tool for everything in life and therefore education should be a priority of all future government policies for recovery and repair of the damage caused by the pandemic, but also from the consequences of the experimental reform measures.
"The blame for all the failures and such crippled education is not in the implementers of the teaching, but again in those who are in charge of creating and controlling the implementation of educational programs. The disorganized and collapsed education system as a link of society is only one part of the multitude of reasons for the outflow of young personnel from the homeland," said Milenkovska.
Assoc. PhD. Victoria Trajkov, career diplomat and university professor said that no one wants to live in a dysfunctional state and in a corrupt society without basic living conditions.
"Every young person, regardless of where they live, wants a middle system, a system of values where they will be valued as an individual. Macedonia is a brand in itself, as they say: only the sun is older than Macedonia, but we have not learned that we should use every corner of it, which is an inspiring story for everyone who lives outside," says Trajkov.
"Only educated people can change society and follow world trends," said Biljana Trendafilova, MA, who moderated the panel dedicated to education.
Powerful messages were also sent by the best student of the generation, Martina Naneva, and the manager at Marriott, Aleksandra Mitrova, also Alumni of the University of Skopje. They told the young people that a very important road sign in the professional career is the choice of the higher education institution.
The University of Skopje constantly invests in quality education for our students, and in order to motivate the young people, a full scholarship for postgraduate studies was also awarded at the event. Prominent figures from social life in Macedonia participated in the event, debating various current topics related to women.