At the event " Days of Education " University of Skopje presented itself yesterday and today with its own stand. The event, which ended today, was organized by Vero Center, and higher education institutions from the country presented themselves at it.
We were visited by many young people who wanted to learn more about the opportunities we offer at our University. They were particularly interested in the methodology we work on, which enables the acquisition of practically applicable knowledge, completion of studies on time, a lot of travel to international events relevant to the studies, guest lecturers, practical work with potential future employers, as well as employment immediately after graduation. the studies.
At our University, you can study tourism, human resources management, international marketing management, computer science, economics and social sciences and diplomacy. Choose one of our attractive study programs, take advantage of the May discount of 50% for early enrollment and ensure a secure career and future!
Enroll at University of Skopje!