"The idea of organizing the International Forum of Mayors came from the internal need and desire to help the state, to make life easier for the citizens and to be a wind at the back of the mayors to realize their programs," Prof. PhD. Aleksandra Stoilkovska, Dean of the Faculty of Human Resources Management at UTMS. In the conversation about the public service, Stoilkovska said that the idea for such a prestigious event came from the roadshow that the University of Tourism and Management had in the municipalities of the country. "As a socially responsible higher education institution, we want to act, not observe, and that's why we decided to organize an international forum, where the local municipalities heard world experiences from mayors from Israel, France, Slovakia, Bulgaria", said Stoilkovska during the visit to the public service. The first International Forum for Mayors was held on June 1, 2022 at the premises of the organizer of the event, UTMS.